Diabetes Management & Self Care

How can you help patients manage their diabetes?

We know that when patients engage in the management of their Type 2 diabetes, the risks of developing complications such as blindness, kidney failure and foot ulcers are reduced.  Health and Care Videos have been working hard to provide this support through easy to digest and visual means and have produced a series of 16 diabetes videos, covering a range of topics including ‘Living with Type 2 Diabetes’, ’The importance of physical activity’, ‘Healthy eating’ and ‘Looking after your feet’’.  All videos are available to purchase and personalise with your own logo and contact details.

Introduction to Diabetes

Staying Healthy with Diabetes

Preventing Complications

Coping wth Diabetes

Case Study: How the videos are being used

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust are using some of these videos as part of a pilot scheme for the Healthy Lifestyles Diabetes Education Programme.  Attendance figures showed that certain age groups were not booking onto the group education clinics and were therefore missing out on vital information that would help them self manage their condition.  The aim of using video as an education tool, drip fed through weekly emails, was to provide a more appealing and accessible form of learning for the younger service users.  Read more about their initiative in our Case Study.

Diabetes: The Facts*

  • Approximately 22,000 people with diabetes die every year
  • Type 2 diabetes:
    • can cause preventable sight loss in people of working age
    • is a major contributor to kidney failure, heart attack and stroke
    • treatment currently accounts for just under 9% of the NHS annual budget (£8.8 billion a year).
  • Currently 5 million people in England are at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes
  • If current trends persist:
    • one in three people will be obese by 2034
    • one in ten will develop Type 2 diabetes.
  • At practice level, a group of practices in Plymouth reports that each newly diagnosed diabetic costs them an average of £4,000 in the first year and there have about 10 new diabetics a month.

* Source: NHS England (who recently launched the Diabetes Prevention Programme in association with Diabetes UK and Public Health England)

Relevant articles

National Institute for Health Research – Diabetes self-management education leads to better blood sugar control, 23 March 2016

Patient Information Forum – People with diabetes missing out on vital information at diagnosis, 23 October 2015

Like what you see? Here’s how to order.

The full series of 17 videos is available to buy at our special package offer price of £850 (+VAT), making a saving of £170 based on our multiple order pricing.  To place an order please call us on 01626 833937 or email [email protected] and you could have the videos ready to use within just a few days.